Sorry, the chatbox has been disabled because spammers found a way to bypass the spam protections, and were posting very vulgar and disgusting content. If you'd like to say hi, please join us in the forums!
As of today, the League is (at least for now) hosting a Teamspeak server at
All heroes of Virtue are welcome to use the server (I'm curious as to what kind of load it can handle, so let me know how its working if you use it), the public password is "liberty". Liberty League members have their own private channel on the server & the password will be posted in the members only section of the Hall of Liberty forums - the password to the forum will, in turn, be posted on the Message of the Day on your in-game Supergroup menu.
The server has a set maximum of 25 people right now, but we're just testing things out & that number may change. If everything works out, we hope to keep this server availaible to the Virtue community so anyone in need of some swift justice can hop on anytime! That's all, Jack...
We now have our own forums set up on the menu to the left; bu sure & drop in see what's happening. Our new Screenshot Gallery is now online as well. All Leaguers can upload their own screenshots, just e-mail me for the password. After all, these busts have to be recorded for posterity, right? That's what we like to hear...
Just a couple quick notes; For all you prospective recruits, our new hero application is now working properly after we got the bugs out of it (and no, I don't mean the Weevil), and also, we now have our own live chat room, the Hall of Liberty, for when Paragon City just isn't secret enough! So, enjoy, keep adding to the site, and keep those streets clean, citizens!
Hello heroes. I know that I have not been around lately, and I have a good reason. I am low on cash and was forced to choose between Doom 3 and another month of City of Heroes, and Doom 3 won. I get payed on the 15th, so until then, do your best to fight the good fight without me.
We're proud to announce that the second part of out Public Service Campaign has been released. You can check out the Ads on the Virtue board, or right here...
And yes, I know the new comic is overdue...its coming soon, the Weevil promises. Until then, come on & post some news & some pics, heroes! Let's make use of our nice, new H.Q., Jack!