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Running a super group can be rough, and getting the basic supplies needed can be just as hard as fighting the worst super villain. The other day, we noticed we were lacking some basic supplies such as air fresheners, Band-Aids for our boo-boos, happy face night lights, and corn dogs. So we sent the Requiter and French Roast on a mission to go to the store.
Greetings, heroes! I have finally returned, and I have been hard at work fighting evil, saving innocents, and drinking Strawberry Yoohoo. An interesting thing happened today. I got set on fire. Enjoy the new comic.
Greetings League! Following their defeat of Dr. Vahzilok last Wednesday, the Scouts are continuing on a path of supervillian destruction! Earlier today, working with Synapse, the Scouts took down the Clockwork King, and the mechanized monstrosity Babbage.
Mettallo, the White Warrior, and Green Lobster face down Babbage. Not Shown: everyone else.
Howdy Heros. The Scouts have been busy. Using the training they have received from the members of Liberty League, they staged a raid on the vile Dr. Vahzilok. Our first picture shows one of the Scouts determing the best way to attack.
After this brave Scout reported back, the rest of the team procedded to execute Plan Lobster. After a vicious battle, our heros exited triumphantly, but not before they posed for this pic.
Evil should be on there toes as they have Liberty League and the Liberty League Scouts to face.
Ground-Hog here heros,
Liberty League Scouts went out and tried to show why they belong in the big league. Positron sent out a call for help and our some of our hero's answered it. From left to right are
Haley's Crusader, Ground-Hog, Mettallo, Transimian, Wind Razor, and Stolen Breath. These individuals saved the Paragon city damn from the combined forces of the CoT, Vahzilock, and the Clockworks.